Healing the Past | Nurturing the Future

Ancestral Healing & Coaching

Organize your own Corporate Retreat

We offer immersive retreat experiences in breathtaking natural environments, combining elements of meditation, nature and holistic team building exercises to foster deep connections with one another and alignment to a sense of purpose in your work. Request a custom retreat for your team or organization.

Improve your relationship with self with a private session

Choose from tailored soul mapping or Ancestral Healing sessions to support the connection to your life’s journey and understanding of your why.

Find healing at one of our retreats

We offer immersive retreat experiences in breathtaking natural environments, combining elements of meditation, energy healing, and cultural immersion to foster deep spiritual connections with the earth and one's ancestral connection. Join us for one of our upcoming experiences.

“Meditate. Let the light of the heart engulf you.”
—Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

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We provide a transformative and holistic approach to healing, centered on the mind, body, and soul connection. Through a range of personalized sessions, workshops, and retreats, Bia Healing aims to deepen spiritual connection, facilitate self-discovery, and ignite the power of ancestral healing. Each person’s journey looks different and we are here to meet you where you are and at your pace.